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Cultivating Community through Colac Library's Seed Library

Updated: Jan 8

We invite you to explore the flourishing Colac Library garden, nurtured by the generous support of Friends of Library Australia, National Backyard Cricket and The LBW Trust in 2023.

The revitalisation of Colac Library's garden, facilitated by the Seed Library, was made possible through the support of the $1500.00 National Backyard Cricket Grant in 2023.

Key achievements include:

1. Collaborating with local businesses like Shalimar Nursery and engaging a diverse workforce through Skills Connection Jiffy Services.

2. Implementing programming initiatives to actively involve the public in the garden's revitalization, fostering a sense of ownership.

3. Procuring tools for garden maintenance and supplies for programming demonstrations.

4. Hosting the Stephane Alexander Kitchen Garden/Seed Library Event, featuring a special guest speaker from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation. The event focused on educating children about gardening, planting strawberries, and promoting healthy eating habits.

5. Conducting Seed Library programs that introduced gardening and container gardening through live demonstrations. This initiative aimed to propagate seeds, encouraging the public to take seeds home and promoting messages of food security and community engagement.

6. To sustain seed library programming, the acquisition of a multipurpose table and additional resources has been undertaken, ensuring the continued success of the program.

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